Human Centered

Embracing Tech While Saving Democracy from It - Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Episode Summary

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, former president of Estonia and 2018-19 CASBS fellow, discusses recent technological attacks on democracies around the world, and how we can address them.

Episode Notes

Movement for obfuscating the Electoral College in the US

First-past-the-post electoral systems
and a glossary of alternative electoral systems

Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab

Open source investigative platform Bellingcat

Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity

Alliance for Securing Democracy, Hamilton 68

The Two Cultures” C. P. Snow

Estonia, The Digital Republic” The New Yorker

Stuart Russell on algorithms from “John Brockman: Possible Minds” The Long Now Foundation

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

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